Discover your mission. Define your brand.
Create an achievable plan. All in just one training.
Jo Picken, holistic business coach, mentor and trainer, is here to help you achieve the business of your dreams in 2022, by delivering the Business Makeover training! Easy, Step by Step and Actionable Plan!
This training has been specifically designed for Holistic Business owners, especially those of you who are feeling a bit lost, maybe you've fallen out of love with your business, maybe you have taken your eye off the ball and now things have stagnated! If that resonates, then this training ideal for you!
The training itself;
When you are a holistic business, it can be easy to forget
why you got into business in the first place.
- Its easy to lose focus.
- Its easy to fall out of love with your passion.
- Its easy to lose the fire in your belly.
- Its easy to forget your mission.
- Its easy for life to take over.
This training has been designed to reverse that!
Specifically created to help you gain fresh clarity and motivation,
you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve when you simply take a step back, reflect and plan a way forward.
This training will guide you through simple reflections and actions that will help you determine what matters to you in business,
what your mission is, what sort of brand you’re building, and the kind of work culture you are creating.
You will also receive tangible action steps that will help you implement everything you learn.
Knowledge plus action leads to true, lasting change.
So, are you in?

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